When I was growing up in Zimbabwe, there was an RC gliding club across the road from my house. RC was super-expensive back then, and especially so in Zimbabwe, and my family couldn't afford the luxury. So I just used to ride over there every Sunday on my Raleigh Chopper :) and watch the guys fly every weekend.
The model that I dreamed of owning was the Airtonics Aquila. I've been really keen to find an original Airtronics kit untouched with the Duralene fuselage, so that I can build one myself, but one has to be realistic, as firstly they are almost impossible to find, and secondly, I'm pretty short on building time for myself!
So when I found out that the very excellent Peter Beadle had one in his hangar ready to go, I virtually begged him to sell it to me! And gent that he is, he agreed to sell it to me, and she now awaits me picking her up.
Gentle hi-start, and then floating about in the summer with that lovely all flying rudder - aaaaaah - can you taste the nostalgia?! I can't wait! And Pete - thank you so very much mate!