Monday, 15 October 2012

No wind!

E gliders have their place but with a distinct lack of any wind and still you need that slope fix we have been playing with our go to light wind machine.

Point nose down and keep a fair speed on

3.5m, light and fast enough to be entertaining but thermals away given any sniff of bouyant air.

Here's some pictures from the weekends flying using the Vulture F3J on the slope. Purists will be heartened we didn't stick an electric fuse on but pitted against nature making use of light lift and thermals. We did plenty of that too but sometimes as a slope nut you just need the right machine and flying can resume. Of course this makes a great UK style F3J/F5J machine for the flat and many competition flyers do just that but for sports flying on the slope it can be kept moving and just seems to find lift a lot easier than an F3F/B type 3m. A different type of flying but sometimes it's all you need. A bonus is that there's no foamies to get in the way but just watch out for the slower built up thermal soarers hanging in your path!

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